Physical Therapy
Physical therapy is considered to be a conservative method of medical treatment based on a complete understanding of human anatomy, physiology, medical conditions, surgeries and movement patterns during activities (including sports). It focuses on relieving pain, restoring movement, strength and/or function, the prevention of injuries and disabilities. This is achieved through the use of therapeutic modalities (e.g. ice, heat, ultrasound, electrical stimulation), hands-on techniques like massage and stretching, and functional exercises and activities. Physical therapy also educates people on ergonomics, body mechanics and posture, and fitness and wellness issues.
Conditions we treat with PT
We see patients with all types of problems from head to toe. Problems can involve pain, limited motion, weakness, swelling and other symptoms that interfere with your daily function.
Causes of these dysfunctions can be traumatic injuries, disease processes or cumulative stresses. When surgery is indicated, patients can be seen before surgery to prepare them for a quicker recovery after surgery. They are usually also seen post-operatively to help return the patient to their normal functional activity level prior to surgery. Physical Therapy can also be used often to replace surgery so when in doubt, an evaluation and trial for this can be considered.
We concentrate on the comprehensive rehabilitation and pain management of:
Other services
Other services available are aquatic therapy, massage therapy, gym use, personal training, Pilates, stretching, gift certificates, purchase of medical equipment and modality treatments such as paraffin, heat and electrical stimulation. These are typically paid out of pocket.